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Announcement: Outdoor Area Surrounding Xiangti Avenue Plaza in Xinyi District, Taipei City to Become a Comprehensive No-Smoking Zone Starting June 1, 2024

To protect the public's right to health by preventing exposure to secondhand smoke and to create a smoke-free outdoor environment, the Taipei City Government Department of Health, in accordance with Article 19, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 4 of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, announces that the outdoor area surrounding the "Xiangti Avenue Plaza" in Xinyi District, Taipei City, will be designated as a comprehensive no-smoking zone starting from June 1, 2024.


The scope of the no-smoking area includes the area enclosed by Songgao Road, Songzhi Road, Songshou Road, and Lane 20, Songgao Road. This encompasses:


  • The Perfume Boulevard and Xiangti Avenue Plaza.
  • Songshou Square Park.
  • The 1st-floor arcades and underground 1st-floor entrances surrounding Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taipei Xinyi Place A8, A9, and A11.
  • The 1st-floor arcade of Breeze Songgao and the plaza in front of the entrance facing Songgao Road.
  • The plaza in front of the entrance to Humble House Taipei on Songgao Road.
  • All sidewalks within the designated no-smoking area.

Individuals found smoking in violation of the regulations will be subject to a fine of NT$2,000 to NT$10,000, as stipulated in Article 40, Paragraph 2 of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act.