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New Announcement from the Taipei City Government: Effective January 1, 2020, Smoking Is Prohibited in Taipei MRT Linear Park, between Exit R1 of Zhongshan Metro Mall and MRT Zhongyi Station

The Department of Health, Taipei City Government announced the prohibition of smoking in Taipei MRT Linear Park, between Exit R1 of Zhongshan Metro Mall and MRT Zhongyi Station, which will come into effect on January 1, 2020 pursuant to Subparagraph 4, Paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act. The enactment of this new bylaw is aimed at curbing secondhand smoke and protecting the right of the public to enjoy a smoke-free recreational environment. Those who violate this new bylaw shall be liable to a fine ranging from NT$2,000 to NT$10,000 pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 31 of the same law.

No smoking sign in Taipei MRT Linear Park.
No smoking sign in Taipei MRT Linear Park